Thursday, February 14, 2019

Review Absolute Support A102BL4 15-20 Sheer Medical Compression Stockings

Back Around Christmas time. I came around a sale in my email. On Absolute Support products in my email from

Decided to check it out. Cause medical compression hosiery can be very expensive.

Came across these A102BL
With being on Sale, I decided to try them out. 

They came inside a plastic bag "No Cardboard". 

First overall look out of the package, of the sheer medical stocking. They have a lace style garter belt. I was a little worried at first. But after wearing them for a little while now. The garter belt, Stays firmly into place. With no slipping
Just Like all the other medical compression hosiery. It features a reinforced toe ,  And a sheer heel

My Overall thoughts on these?  They fit great on my legs. Hold up pretty well into place, very well, with little to no run down. For me they are a little low on the compression side. Cause I try to keep my compression levels at 20-30. But I like to bounce around compression levels. Because after wearing 20-30 compression day after day. It can make my legs hurt, and become uncomfortable. They are great for going on a bike run. And being on the sheer side. Does keep your legs dry. They are Ultra Sheer fabric. So they do have a little shine to them. And the color, is no different then other Jet Black Hosiery. The durability of them? Is about what your going to expect in any pair of sheers. My advice is, to just handle them with care. Easier said then done I know haha. 
My only complaint on these is. I know they put them on all compression hosiery. But I wish, that they wouldn't make a sheer heel. And the reason why is? I have noticed, in the past. The first to blowout is around the sheer heel. And that is very annoying! 

That's pretty much all my thoughts on these. If I had to give them a overall rating. I would rate them 8 out 10. There is always a great way of improvement. I do recommend these to anyone men or women. 

Thank you all for checking this out!!! And Rock on!!!