Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What Kind Of Compression Wear do I wear and why!

Ok! I have already explained why on the other blog posts on. Why do I wear Pantyhose. Now I will explain on what I do wear I wear! And how good they are. And what benefits they have. When I first learned about men wearing support pantyhose for compression for weak and tired legs. I read that theres two that you can try for cheap. And that was L'eggs Medium Support or L'eggs Active Support. I started off with L'eggs Medium Support. Cause at the store I was at. Didn't have Active Support. And I mean to tell you. Instantly my legs felt so much better. The problem I have with my legs is. When I walk my legs feel twisted as I walk. And my legs would be prone to let go on me. My knee muscles would tighten up into a knot. And my legs would just simply leg go from under me. Now wearing the hosiery. That twist I had in my legs is gone! And no more trouble with my knees. I tried good knee braces and all they did was. Making my knees hurt even more. As well at the time I was having sharp pain my legs. Felt like a axle in my legs. And walking with chains around my ankles. Very hard to move. Im dead in the water without my hosiery. I have to wear them everyday. When I do take them off. My walking has to be very small. After awhile. Might of been around a year or so. And after doing research on it. I decided to try L'eggs Active Support. And trust me there is a difference in between L'eggs medium support and L'eggs Active Support. L'eggs Medium Support yarns are not at tight as L'eggs Active Support. And as well L'eggs Active Support is as good as advertised. L'eggs Active support has great circulation compression for tired acky legs. But it depends on what compression you need. If you need high compression. They might not be for you. Next I learned from a good friend of mine I have meet from social media. Known As what he goes by Rob Speedking. About Hanes Alive. And after researching about them. And reading on Rob Speedkings review on them. Rob Speedking has to wear to wear them for Restless Leg Syndrome. And you can read more about it on Rob Speedking blog at .But anyhow I decided to give Hanes Alive a try. And they are really good. Very comfortable and good quality. Feels like to me anymore. There a little more of a upgrade from L'eggs Active Support. And provide more compression for circulation. The only downside I give Hanes Alive is there sizing is a little small. So since 2012. I would wear either L'eggs Active Support or Hanes Alive. Maybe if its cold outside might slip on a Oquare tights for a little more warmth. Now started this early 2016. Or sooner rather. Looking into more better types of compression hosiery. And found 2 at my local Walgreens called Fite Rite & Futuro . And this last year. I have tried both. Fite Rite are really nice I have tried both Pantyhose & stockings from this brand. There 18-20 in compression. And my review on them. They are really nice. Super tight on your legs. They are a good for your buck. Just keep note. Maybe this doesn't reply to everyone. But at least for me. The Fit Rite Pantyhose can be very hard to put on. It takes me 20-30 mins to put on. Because there so tight. And I got the biggest size I can get. Next up is Futuro . I have currently wearing these more then others. Compression in these are 8-10. I been getting the friench Cut ones. And my thoughts on them is very good. Good soild compression. There thick in fabric . But while wearing them. Feels lightweight. They due Attend after a while to sag a little. But not to bad. And this is the best part. They fit me wonderfully from waist to toe. To be honest at least to me. I believe these can be worn by either male or female. There just that good. I get the color Jet Black in them. Mainly I love how they look. They also have a nude color. Or other wise a skin tone color. Might try that color later. But in any type of hosiery I wear. I love to wear Jet Black the most. I do wear skin tone colors. There nice as well to me its not to noticeable. But that's pretty much my top brands of legwear. Out of what I mentioned . I would have to say the Futuro is my most favorite. As well as time as gone by. I would say the last 6 months or so. I noticed a change in my legs. Where my cheap brand I wear L'eggs Active Support. Sometimes isn't as good as it once was. That or my legs are getting worse. Or its like this. Somedays my legs isn't as bad. But there is somedays where I need that extra compression. Mainly from like change in the weather. Where my arthritis would be flaring up. And in that case. If I don't have any good compression hosiery. I just mix and match and add another layer up. Or what I like to do latey. I would wear my Fite Rite Compression stockings. And wear L'eggs 2000 Collection Compression oquare tights together. Or wear my compression Fite Rite Stockings with with tights I have. I do like wearing medical stockings. But reason why I don't wear them more is. I have to mix and match levels of compression. To how I like to say it. Somedays I need lighter compression. And theres somedays I need more compression. Just depends on how my legs feel. And to be honest. I rather wear pantyhose or tights. Instead of stockings. Mainly cause you have to keep pulling them up all the time. I have tried the new thing that is out now called compression pants. I own 3 pairs. I love them. But at the same time. There to saggy and not a enough compression in them. There nice for hanging around the house. But being out with daily life. If I wear them I need to wear them with hosiery anyway. But that's about it. That's pretty much all my secrets to what brands I wear. And what they all do for me. I really hope this really helps everyone. I do know there is some people men or women that has to wear legwear for leg disability . So hope you all really enjoyed this. You can follow me on instantgram & twitter @Gymboy156 . I keep it up to date. And share my thoughts on my legwear. And hints and tips.

So for the final time
See ya! :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Why did I go social with my Pantyhose wear. And Blogging about it.

Ok I already shared my story on why. I have to wear support Pantyhose or medical stockings everyday. Todays subject is. Why did I decide to go social with it on social media? And the answer is why not. And there isn't a whole lot about men wearing support pantyhose or mantyhose on the internet. Theres only a few of us gentlemen out there that went social about it. Or just wear it proudly. And I use to be one of those people who was impressed by wearing them. And hide it from everyone. And kept it a secret from everyone. And was always so scaryed to even go to the store and buy them. But that was until I got to meet Rob Speedking on via twitter. And got talking to him. As well following him on twitter & following his blog at . As well meeting a few others on Twitter and Facebook. But it was Rob Speedking blog and posts. That made me feel better about my self. And less impressed by it. And just like Rob Speedking has said on his blog and social media.. We may have a disability why should we hide it. Just wear your hosiery & be proud of it. And just be your self. I was really nervous at first. Coming out to my close friends & family. Well whats left of my family. I took baby steps with it. My father & I where living together. I told my dad first. Dad was a little lost for words. Until I explained why. And what I have learned from the internet about it. And for years we where going to doctor after doctor. Trying to find something. To get me throw the day without leg pain. And we couldn't find a cure. I lost hope until I turned to google search. And all I could find was about the hosiery compression. My dads words was. Dad asked does it really help. I replyed yes. And dad just said. Well that's all that matters. Dad might of not said it. But I believe that dad was a little un easy at first. But as time went on. And when I would be buying my hosiery. And explained on what brand does for me. Dad got more and more supportive. As well my dad just passed away in June 2016. Before dad passed. I was getting upset about wearing hosiery everyday & wearing out in public. Dad told me in his own words. Son there is nothing to be impressed about. And that I found a cure that no doctor could find for me. And that I should be proud of myself. But going backwards a bit. After I told my dad. I told my girlfriend Kasey. And Kasey was about the same as dad. She was a little unsure. But once I explained it more and more. And she saw me wearing them more. She begin to like it more and more. She would always say every now and then. Wooo Baby you look so hot wearing them. Always made me blush impressment. But I know she just was trying to make me feel good about it and cheer me up about it. Now going backwards again. Like I said I kept it a screat. Untill New Years for the year 2015. I was sitting up watching the New Year come in. And I kept hearing about goals for the New Year. I made myself a goal to wear my hosiery out publicly and proud with shorts. I told my dad about it. Dad just said it was all up to me. I explained the reasons why. One main reason was. I live in Florida "Tampa Bay area" Where in the summer time its very hot down here. With feel like temps around 100 degrees. And wearing hosiery or my support Pantyhose with jeans. Just feels like a lot to wear in the summer time. And also I said I'm just tired of hiding it. I told my self. Women have legs just like I do. If no one likes it. Then hard shit. So taking baby steps. After New Years. I would wear my hosiery with shorts. Baby steps just walked around the block & to the shopping center. All went well. No one seemed to notice or cared. So begain to wear hosiery with shorts more and more. And I don't want to sound gay about it. But it was a neat and fun experience. The first time I went to hangout with my guy friend. Was once again a little nervous. His name is James. We meet up. Sayed hey and all that. Then he noticed on what I was wearing. I explained to him why. And he was very cool about it. He didn't care that much. But we have known each other a long time. Where he knows that I'm not gay or a transgender person. And knows about my leg disability. So it was all cool. Next. I was really worried about Kaseys parents. Cause they known about me wearing my hosiery. But they already known about my leg disability. As well I would share why and what hosiery does for my legs. They seem to be very much on board with it. So that was a relief . And now as time as went by. Me & Kasey are now engaged now. So now I'm apart of there family now. Another cool thing.

So getting back on topic here. What made me wanna become social about it. And start a blog here on blogspot? I wanna give something back to a community. I wanna share my story with the world. As well I know theres other people out there that do fight a leg disability. My blogging and posts isn't where I'm trying to say "Hey All Men Should Where Pantyhose" No I'm just sharing with the world on what I have learned. What brands I wear. To what they do for my legs. What brands aren't so good. And now on Instagram. I post almost everyday outfits. Of what hosiery I'm wearing for the day. What does that brand give me with compression for my legs. And yeah hey why not. I even mix and match colors with my clothes with the colors of my hosiery to a degree. With posting pictures and sharing with the world has been a lot of fun. And even got to meet some nice people from around the world. And even get questions sent to me. Or just get comments. Feitsh comments I always ignore and delete. You know if your into fetish stuff fine.. But if you would take the time and read what I have typed. You can see I'm only posting for medical not sexual. This more science then a fashion statement. That men could benefit from it. Doesn't matter if your cheap with it. Or you buy something $20 dollars and up. All I'm saying is you don't know unless you try. And I'm talking for everyone. Not just men but women as well. Could benefit from it. But its not for everyone. Its like medication you take. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. But the thought is out there. And if your a guy and Support Pantyhose works for you and makes your legs feel better. Then cool! Wear it with pride. Just make sure if you do wear them with shorts out in public. Make sure your legs are nicely shaved. By doing that. You will get less bad comments. Take it from me. I been wearing publicly since 2015. 2 years now. And only got one bad comment from someone. And it just was from some punk kids. That doesn't understand. All I'm saying wear them with pride. And hey ill even put this out there. If you are a guy who does like to wear pantyhose or womens stockings. Then so what. Who care! Seriously I don't know why a guy would wanna wear pantyhose for fun. But if you like to wear them. Then wear them with pride. Its your life not ours.

And another thing. I have searched from time to time about. Pantyhose for men for a leg disability. And theres hardly nothing out there. Just bits nothing to big is out there. How I see it. More the better.

Last year on Facebook I have contacted a hosiery brand named L'eggs & Hanes Hosiery. Asking them as well just making a statement. And this is very much true from what I have read online. That Pantyhose is more common now a days. Bought more by men & women. As well lot of us men wear them on a daily basics for compression for a leg disability. They kindly deleted my posts. So must be ran by fashion women. I'm not sure. But its men like us who do wear them. And post about it on social media. Seems to be getting stronger. As ill say this. Its not often. But I do see some men wearing something in hosiery. Don't ask me if there pantyhose or stockings or medical stockings rather. But they didn't look like compression pants. As well maybe this is just me. But if you look more closely at the boxes of what the hosiery sizes. Has changed to a little bit more bigger sizes. Not all of them but some. As well its been there before. But theres also a hosiery made for men. Called activskin. Never tried them. But hoping to try them soon. As well I noticed on the website called . And they got hosiery there now for men as well. I tested it out bought a pair of peavey pantyhose from there. And they say its for men. And they truly are pantyhose. But they do fit great. But just a few samples out there. Slowly but surely the hosiery for men trend is growing. Will it ever get big. As of right now I'm not sure. Maybe not. But if I can reach out to someone. It makes my posts all worth it

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Why do I where Pantyhose everyday

Why do I wear support Pantyhose everyday. Well here my story. I know all of you are like WHY! You must be gay. Or trying to become a transgender women. Or I'm a fetishist. And the answer is no! I wear supported Pantyhose for only for a leg disability, compression.

You must be asking how this get started. Well I was born with a leg disability from birth. I never got a real medical term. I have seen different doctors I have seen over the years. And each doctor I have seen. They either say my disability is clubfoot. Or my feet are just flat. Another one said I'm walking on my ankles. Because my ankles had collapsed.  Another doctor said my legs are weak.

It all started from my baby doctor. How I was told. From my Mom & Dad. That when I was born. I was born with flat feet. And if my memory serves me correctly. They said I was born with clubfoot. Or just my legs wasn't straight. My baby doctor told my Mom & Dad that I would eventually grow out of it. But never did. In elementary school. I started noticing that. My legs would just give out. If I tried to do any kind of running . And every time I would fall. I would get embarrassed. But just laughed it off inside and just moved on. Being a kid never thought about it. Then speeding up to my teen years. My disability got worse. I would be prone to fall more & very easily. And was the reason for. When I broke my arm and my foot in 4 places. I could be walking just like everyone else. And out of no where I can feel my knees muscles would just give out.  Or if I'm running. My legs give out more quicker. As well I can't walk in any water on the ground. That's how I broke my foot in 4 places. I walked into the kitchen to see if I could help my Mom load up the dishwasher. And there was a spot of water on the ground . I slipped & jammed it into the kitchen cabinets. Luckily I made it without and plates or screws in my foot. But moving forward into my late teens. Pretty much same thing. My legs out still give out from my knees. And every time I would fall. It would take longer for me to recover. From plain in my knee cap. Speed up to year 2010. I got approved for disability benefits. Otherwise known as Medicaid. So began seeing a regular doctor. At first my Primary Care doctor gave me medication for it. At first seemed like it helped a lot. But I don't know if it was the fact. I got use to the medication. No longer worked anymore. So I was sent to a foot & ankle specialist. For mainly to see about special shoes. I had x-rays done prior to my appointment. The specialist looked at the x-rays. And that's how we learned that I was walking on my ankles. The specialist suggested surgery . To build me an arch. And put my ankles in place. My dad & I talked to my primary care doctor.  And we all decided that surgery was out of question. And as well I couldn't afford to have surgery. Due to my dad's Illness. And I was his caregiver. So to get another option.  My primary care doctor sent me to a sports specialist. And he said I didn't need surgery. And said my legs where just weak. And started me with physical therapy.  Did that for awhile. Didn't help at all. And was getting more frustrated. The sports specialist looked at my x-rays again. And that's how we found out that my hips isn't straight. And needed to go to a hip specialist. And couldn't do that since Medicaid didn't provide it. So it was back to the drawing board. And this now 2011. My legs was getting worse. To the point it was difficult to do my daily activities. And could sleep cause my legs would cramp like hell. So I was angry one day. Cause I couldn't sleep. I took to Google. And just would try and research on what I learned from my disability. Wasn't finding anything. Was about to give up. Until that's when I learned about. Support Pantyhose. For weak & achy legs. And it was a new common thing for men. At first I laughed. And told myself there is no way in hell. The only other solution was to try a medical knee brace. And like I said try... And all it would do is hurt my legs even more. So time going by. Still was getting frustrated. One day I just said. O what the heck. So bought me a cheap pair of leggs medium support. And right then. I felt so much better. And each day went by. My legs would improve. And my walking distance increased. So bought more pairs. And tried leggs active support. And trust me active support is wonderful.

I wear my hosiery pretty much everyday. Each day felt good to be able to walk without hardly any pain. But at the same time I was very impressed. And kept it a Secret for the longest time. But one day my dad found out. Dad would ask why.  I would explain. And dad just said he understood. And was very happy for me. Time would go by still didn't tell anyone. Not even my doctor.  At the time I was getting into a serious relationship with now my fiance Kasey. It was closing in on are first anniversary together. This was 2014. I keep dreading on telling Kasey. In fear that she wouldn't understand. But she was already aware of my leg disability to start with. But that day I suck it up. And explained it out to her. Kasey was shocked at first. But I think she couldn't tell I was very embarrassed. She asked me. Are you wearing them now. I said yeah.  Pulled up my pant leg and showed her. Kasey said can I touch my legs. I said sure. And Kasey god bless her.  She would look up at me and smile. And said woo soo smooth. My cheeks would turn red.  So it was a relief . But still was embarrassed. And still kept it a Secret. Until one day I came across other men who had to wear hosiery too. For a leg disability too. And to name one . His name is Rob Speedking. He's got his own blog on here has well . Just reading his blog. And watching his videos & pictures. Really made me feel less embarrassed. And new years came. New years day 2015. I got to thinking. I made myself a new years Revolution. That i wasn't going to be embarrassed anymore.  And just seeing Rob Speedking videos & pictures wearing his hosiery proudly with shorts. I decided to try it. Took small steps. But ever since then.  It just became natural. And everyone is know has been very supportive. And surprisingly no one seems to notice or care. So that a big plus. And just makes everything more easier. And now it's 2017. And still wear my hosiery proudly with shorts. And change colors just for fun. Same color gets old after awhile. So that's my story.